Scout and friends Wiki


Jumproping Jaguar
Basic info
Name Jumproping Jaguar
Gender Male
Species Jaguar
Color Orange


The Jumproping jaguar is a minor character who likes to jump-rope.


Phonics farm

The Magnificent museum of opposite words


Main characters

Scout2015 copy Violet2015 copy Eli 2015 copy Penny2015 copy Axle 2015 copy

Other characters

Major: Dash 2015 copy Chomp 2015 copy Chewbert 2015 copy Max 2015 copy Polecat 2015 copy Fritz 2015 copy

Minor characters

Minor: Measure mice . The Vowels . The Numbers . Funny Fox . Sad seal . Elegant Elephant . Big Nose . Noisy Goat . Noisy Parrot . Odd otter . Zippy Zebra . Noisy newt . Quiet Pig . Fast Bat . Slow Hen . Quiet Quail . Rocking Reindeer . Athletic alligator . Bouncing Bear . Kissing Kangaroo . Dancing Dolphin . Violet Vulture . Galloping Goose . Whiny Walrus . Extrordinary Ox . Tired Turkey . Yakidy Yak . Jumproping Jaguar . Itchy Iguana . High-Pitched Horse . Laughing Lobster . Messy mouse . Picky Pig . Umbrella Bird . Slow Bug .


Big Burger · Noisy Gears · Big Bear · Quiet Balloon · Slow Carriage · Small Sail .
